The Wild Rice Soil Conservation District's 2020 Achievement Award winners are the Jason & Bruce Bosse families. The Bosse brothers have utilized EQIP to get over 20,000 ft of trees machine planted to benefit wildlife and help reduce wind erosion. Combined they have 6,000 acres of farmland and during the last five years they discovered the many benefits of cover crops to help address compaction and increase soil organic matter on their land. Splitting the application of nitrogen and plant tissue testing has helped them make adaptive management decisions and improve their nutrient management. With the help of CSP they have been able to use new technology on their sprayer to reduce chemical drift and spray overlap across their operation.
The Bosse’s are invited to attend the North Dakota Association of Soil Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in Fargo, ND, on November 21-23. There will be a banquet to honor of all the Achievement Award winners throughout North Dakota. Followed by a slideshow of each family and their farming operations. Each family will also be presented with aerial photos of their farms.
The photo is a four generation family picture.
2025 Conservation & Agriculture Scholarship Application
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Update to the Silver Lake Algae Bloom Sampling
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It is the goal of the Wild Rice Soil Conservation District to educate and help the local land users (for conservation of soil) right here in Sargent County. We do this by offering a variety of services and making available various technical, financial, and educational resources.