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Achievement Award Winner Banquet

The Wild Rice Soil Conservation District held its annual Achievement Award Winner Banquet on February 5th at the Coteau des Prairies Lodge. Every year the district honors a farm that maintains a high conservation ethic and this year’s winners are no exception. The Gulleson Farm & Ranch has worked hand-in-hand with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Soil Conservation District to meet the resource needs of their operation. Cover crops, cross fence, tree plantings, and an animal waste facility are just a few of the practices they have implemented to decrease soil erosion while increasing water quality and soil health across their farm. Chairman of the Board Joe Breker presented the Gulleson’s with a plaque honoring them as this year’s winner, an aerial photograph of their operation, and 2 Soil Conservation District jackets. The Gulleson’s were also honored at the Association of Soil Conservation District’s annual meeting in Bismarck in November.

Melissa Seykora of NDSU-Extension

The Gulleson family were our guests of honor for the evening as our Achievement Award Winners


Melissa Seykora of NDSU-Extension

Melissa Seykora of NDSU-Extension presenting to the group on her recent trip to Thailand.


Melissa Seykora of NDSU-Extension

Back Row L To R: Joe Breker, Roger Zetocha. Front Row L to R: Duayne Baldwin, Ronda Throener, Eric Delahoyde

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Forman, ND 58032
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Phone: 701-724-6226 Ext 3

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It is the goal of the Wild Rice Soil Conservation District to educate and help the local land users (for conservation of soil) right here in Sargent County. We do this by offering a variety of services and making available various technical, financial, and educational resources.


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Contact Info

8991 Hwy 32 Suite 2
Forman, ND 58032

Phone: 701-724-6226 Ext 3
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